Category Archives: Uncategorized

Will It Blend?

I haven’t had much time to write as of late, but expect a real post sometime this evening when I get home from work. For now, I will leave you with this episode of “Will It Blend?”. Watch as this heavy duty blender defeats an official major league baseball… or does it? You’ll be amazed!

Thanks for the patience, guys! 🙂


Filed under Uncategorized


Hey Everyone,

I’ve been a bit lazy as of late. Sure, I have been trying to post at least once a day, but I haven’t really been keeping up with my links. So, today I took a few minutes to link to a few great blogs out there that have been kind enough to link to me. If your link is not on my main page and you would like it to be, please feel free to leave a comment here or send me an email and I will ad yours.
I apologize to everyone for not linking sooner, but better late than never, right?! 🙂

Thanks to everyone for your support with my site. It is greatly appreciated!! 🙂


The Infamous Tatiana<3


Filed under baseball, Real Life, Sports, Uncategorized